Free walking tours in Moldova

Are you planning a trip to Moldova in the coming months? Thinking what activities you can do whilst you are there? Moldova is a small country situated in Central Europe bordering Ukrainian and Romania , it was once part of the Soviet Union until the break up when it claimed its independence. Over the last few years tourism has increased considerably in Moldova with wine tours becoming very popular with the tourists, if you are in to your wine then you will really like many of the Moldovan wine tours . Chisinau is the capital city with a population of under 500,000 the city is small compared with most capitals though there are still plenty of activities for the tourist, one of the most popular ways to see the city is on one of the many guided walking tours of Chisinau . You find many walking tours in Moldova at the front desk of any of the major hotels or you can visit the tourist information booths that are spread around the city, beating that you can just do a Google search...